Morphology Monday (004) – May–Hegglin anomaly

Image showing Dohle body like inclusions within the neutrophils and macrothrombocytes.

The presence of large platelets (macrothrombocytes) and grey, spindle like inclusions within neutrophils, known as Dohle bodies is suggestive of May-Hegglin anomaly (MHA). Platelets are generally quite small, being a fraction of the size of normal red cells. In the image above, there are two large platelets in the top right-hand quadrant. Both the neutrophils pictured have a grey inclusion near the periphery. The presence of large platelets may give a pseudothrombocytopaenia, or a falsely low platelet count.

May-Hegglin anomaly is caused by a mutation in the gene coding for the MHY9 protein.

All three neutrophils have inclusions and are surrounded by large platelets.

You can see a video summary here on the Only Cells YouTube channel.
Images: Personal photography.

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