Sickled crescents (short poem)
Red cells twist in crescent shape…
Red cells twist in crescent shape…
HUS is a form of MAHA
Drepanocytes or as they are commonly known, sickle cells…
Acanthocytes are red blood cells with irregular, spiky protrusions (spicules) on their surface.
Refers to pale red cells
Blister cells are red blood cells that have a blister or bubble like appearance on their surface.
The presence of two distinct population of red cells.
Basophilic stippling refers to the presence of evenly distributed inclusions within the erythrocytes.
Dacrocytes or teardrop cells as they are also referred to are abnormal red cells characterised by their distinctive ‘teardrop’ / ‘pear’ shape. They are rounded at one end and taper off at the other. They are seen in a range of different conditions: _____Image from personal photography.
Spherocytes, unlike normal red cells are spherical in shape.